Killi Murgha Kawas is a village located in district Ziarat of Balochistan Province in Pakistan. This is a village of kawas town, the union council of Ziarat Tehsil and it is located on the west of ziarat town at a distance of 18 km.Killi Murgha Kawas is spread over an area of 14 sq/m and it is greeer than other areas. It is located at 30°2756N 67°3456E and has an altitude of 2116m (6945ft) above sea level.
Killi Murgha Kawas is a village with picturesque beauty, untouched gorgeous weather, and seemingly blissful landscape. It has lush green valley which is surrounded by grey hills,flowers, fruits laden orchids of apples and cherries and Juniper forest, The serenity of the place is enchanting, Everything about it is interesting, the natural beauty, rich culture,friendly climate, beautiful greenery, easy access. The lush green valley provide a wide range of vegetation and fruits including, apricot, peach, almond,pear, grapes, cherry and huge amount of best quality and variety of apples and many other seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Killi Murgha Kawas derives its name from the Pushto word- murgha (grassy).The name is given due to its lush green scenic valley with spectacular views.
Pushto is main language spoken in the village.Dominating ethnic group of the village is Pushtoon, which has many tribes like Kakar Sanzarkhail ,Khidarzai, kakar Meerzai, Batozai, Tareen, Syed, Sulaimankhail, Panwzai, Dotani.
Killi Murgha Kawas is not only just rich in nature but also in history and cultureThe village is around 250-300 years old. people have been living in in this village centuries ago.
Killi Murgha Kawas has one primary school for boys and one primary school for girls school, After completing 5th class students go to the nearby high schools located in another village which is approximately at a distance of one and half km on the other side of the stream. The schools names are kawas gharbi high school for boys and Kawas gharbi high school for girls. The Literacy rate is more than 90 percent.
Killi Murgha Kawas is moderately developed village .There are approximately 50 households, with populations of around 400 persons. Some houses are made of mud and some with bricks.. There is one mosque in the center of village. Few shops for daily utilities.But if some one has to purchase more things he has to go nearby kawas village located at a distance of 20 minutes by foot.The natural gas was provided in 2005.
The people are predominantly dependent on agriculture and livestock.and on small scale businesses of different types . Mostly families have moved from the village to Quetta for business purpose, jobs and in search of better education of their children. People are simple and hospitable. Cricket is most popular sport in the village.
The climate of this village is mostly pleasant in summers and cold to extremely cold in winters. The summer season remains pleasant from May to August. It begins getting wintry in the month of September and becomes extremely cold with heavy amount of snow fall during the months of November - March. Rainy season is mostly during January to March in winter and July to August in summer.The crops n vegetable session is April to September.
There is one Dam ,named "Murgha dam " and 2 Karezes, the names of karezes are :
1 Murgha Tangi
2 Murgha Karez,
Now a days Karezes now replaced by tube wells which uses for irrigation and also for drinking water.
Many kind of Mammals found here. Most common are Straight-horned Wolf (Canis lupus), Hill fox (Vulpes vulpes grifithii), Asiatic Jackal (Canis aureus), Cape hare (Lepus capensis), Porcupine (Hystrix indica), Afghan Hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus megalotis), Afghan Pica (Ochotona rufescens) and Stone Marten (martes foina) etc.
The varieties of birds are Chukar (Alectoris chukar), See partridge (Ammoperdix griseogularis), Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), Rosy Starling (Sturnus roseus), Magpie (Pica pica), Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos daphanea), a number of sparrows, finches, buntings, seasonal/migratory waterfowls, hawks, bustards and sand grouse etc.
Reptiles found here are oxiana), Saw-scale viper (Echis carinatus), Dwarf Dark-headed racer (Eirenis persicawalteri) Levantine viper (Macrovipera lebetina), etc. Beetles (Bugs), Butterflies, Wasps, Bees, Ants, Flies, Pseudocentipedes, Symphyla.
Famous Pashto poet Abdul razaq who is well known as Falak zada hamdard belonged to Killi Murgha Kawas.
Killi Murgha Kawas lies at the edge of mountains, at one side are houses and on the other side is the land covered with the orchids of fruits, mainly of apples. The spectacular mountains surrounding this village give a superb opportunity for mountain trekkers, camping, and hiking There are plenty of amazing hiking routes in these mountains. The blend of mountains and landscape is ideal for adventure lovers. The valley has refreshing atmosphere with sweet floral and fruits fragrance spreading all over the valley.
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